The Orange and Lemon Sorbet is a fruity dessert! The combination of orange and lemon juice creates a truly unique taste and it is a great way to enjoy the flavor of both citrus fruits at once. It’s not too tart, and it has just enough sweetness so you don’t need any additional sugary topping on it.

Orange and Lemon Sorbet

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Course Juicer Recipes, Sorbet



  • 2-3 oranges
  • 2-3 lemons



  • Peel the oranges and lemons and store the fruit in the freezer for about 3 hours.
  • Allow thawing slightly before proceeding 10-15 minutes.
  • Using the blank strainer, feed the frozen oranges and lemons cut into pieces through the juicer chute.
  • Serve in small serving bowls, or if you have carefully reserved a half-round of your citrus skins, why not serve in them for a creative dessert.
Keyword easy recipe, H3000, H3000 juicer, homemade, homemade sorbet, lemon, orange, Orange and Lemon Sorbet, quick recipe, sorbet, vegan, vegan recipe
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